Saturday, December 30, 2006
Stop saying...
It's annoying and not cute. "I'll see you Tuesday" or "have a happy new year" are far more appropriate.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Now, this _@(&#)&@! has filled up someone else's can AND the green recyclable container with trash. I wouldn't be bothered by this at all IF they actually put the cans to the street, but they don't. They have been sitting there for weeks - full. I picked through it to see if I could find anything with a name or a unit number so I could talk to them (and order a trash can from Public Works to be delivered to them on their behalf). No such luck to date. Apparently, they do not receive mail or other packages with an address on it but they drink a helluva lot of wine and beer.
Yes, this is completely petty but come spring, there will be a serious problem with inscets if this idiot doesn't learn how to take his/her trash to the street. And my back deck faces the trash area. Suggestions on how to handle this?
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Monday, December 18, 2006
I shouldn't laugh...
A grown man on a scooter, throwing his helmet on the ground in a hissy fit about something. I don't know what. I tried really really hard not to laugh but I did start snickering once my back was to him.
Memo to me: throw fits out of sight of other people.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Bad Parenting, Exploitation, Radio, and Annoyance
The second one I remember was a young girl calling in to say she had been good. In the background, her mother said "No you haven't!" The girl responded with "MOM!" and nearly went into tears.
Something that was intended to be funny and amusing exposes the emotional abuse that can and does occur with parenting. I'm sure the conversations went like "If you don't do X, I'm going to call Santa and tell him not to visit you this year." The mother in the first message was obviously distressed and at the end of her rope.
Granted, I'm not parent. I'm not particularly fond of children so say whatever you want about my grandstanding or speaking without knowledge or experience. I don't care.
I know what I heard. What I heard wasn't funny. It was sad, manipulative, hurtful, and angry. And I won't be listening any more.
Desde Brasil

Originally uploaded by pink-kitty.
Since you weren't there, you can see the photostream on flickr.
It was actually difficult to choose from the photos. There were a number of pictures with really good lines and angles (but strange expressions) that I left behind.
People were still talking about it over a week after the event. It was the number that 'woke the crowd up' and got them into the show. I had several people tell me it was the highlight of Act I or their favorite number. Even David Hamilton told me that I did an amazing job and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
Todd said that after 24 years in the business, he tends to be kind of jaded when it comes to Showcase routines. "Oh great - another showcase. Let's hurry up and get it over with so we can get back to other things." He did say that after the opening step sequence he said to himself "wow - this is fun!"
That's when he told me we will be doing this routine again at Nashville Starz (formerly The Dancer's Cup) in January. It will be open to the public. Information is at
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Kind of a duh thing...
Turd or douche - you decide. It was really cold.)
but I'm really lazy right now. Too much mental energy that I don't have.
So, I'll be back... whenever.