Wednesday, September 03, 2003

"Plaid boxers... How very colonial Williamsburg..."

That was a quote from Carson on Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. He's the fashionista that has all the great lines and is just HYSTERICAL! If you haven't seen it, I suggest watching it even for a few minutes. First, this doesn't mean that you are agreeing to support all gay/lesbian legal challenges. I don't agree with same-sex marriage.. I doubt that will change. And it doesn't mean that you are going to hell in a handbasket. Now, if your convictions are such that you shouldn't watch it, then don't.

But there are some good tips about food, fashion, and home decorating mixed in there. And you will get to hear gems like this, particularly from Carson:
"Could you be any more Chandler Bing?" (I knew a guy once who said that I sounded like some woman from Friends who would whine the word "Chandler." Having NEVER watched the show, I had no idea what he was talking about.)
"Holy day care center Batman!"
"I'm going to need a smoothie so I can concentrate on this disaster"
"Don't use wire hangers... EVER!"
"You took away Xena and brought us a Baldwin!"
"Why does he not have his apron on? He's risking couture splatter."
"You look like a million dollars. Canadian dollars, but a million dollars."
"It takes a village, people!"
"Do you have bad credit, or just bad taste?"
"It's a man quiche"
"Please Lord, please make these window treatments go away."
"Dried parsley? Useless! Except maybe as confetti."
"Call me old fashion, but I prefer my separate shampoo and conditioner"
"He has a good start but he's working with deficient materials"
"Shaving... just water and ivory soap... on the face...on the face?"
"Minimalist? This is bleak"
"This room is just stupid."
"That's a very very very bad idea"
"We came here cause I thought it would be a good idea cause... you don't own anything"
"Look at me! I look like a domestic"
"We're the fab five, we're here to change your life"