Monday, December 17, 2007

Eric Volz soon to be free!!!!

Nicaraguan court overturns U.S. man's sentence -

Merry Christmas to Maggie and Dane Anthony! I'm so happy on their behalf I can hardly contain myself. Praise God for answer to many, many prayers.

See also:

UPDATE (from the Eric Volz group on Google):

Eric's Conviction overturned by Appeals Court, but NOT YET FREE...
Here's what we know.
Today, the Nicaraguan Appellate Court ruled 2-1 in favor of Innocence for Eric Volz and demanded his immediate release. In fulfillment of Nicaraguan law, Judge Ivette Toruno, the convicting judge who is required by law to sign the release papers, arranged for Eric's attorney to pick-up the release papers at 2pm this afternoon. However, Toruno left the court at 1:30 and will not come back for the rest of the day. It is unclear as to whether or not she will be in the office tomorrow, as well.
Judge Toruno is currently in contempt of court by refusing to make her appointment and sign the release papers. Eric has been freed, but is still being detained illegally, against the orders of the Appellate Court.
Nicaraguan radio broadcasts have been announcing that the people need to take justice into their own hands, since word of the court's decision. We are more concerned than ever before, for Eric's safety.
It appears as if no one in the judicial, penal and/or immigration systems in Nicaragua is responding to requests by Eric's attorney or by the US Embassy to process Eric's release immediately as ordered by the court.
Eric's mother Maggie will appear on CNN AC360 TONIGHT (12/17) and The Today Show tomorrow morning (12/18) in the first hour.