Thursday, June 29, 2006


Here is the first of what I am sure will be many photos of my new place. I visited yesterday to meet with a representative of a glass company for a shower door (I hate shower curtains. They make me feel caged in) and a mirror for my dance space. I also met with the home inspector and had a chance to meet the foreman who was working on the locks in my unit.

Closing was supposed to be tomorrow but didn't work out that way. The property manager did her inspection last week and hated the paint. So she ordered the paint crew to come back out and re-do all of it. So far they haven't because there are still alot of chips, dents, and scratches.

Friday morning, I am going out to do my unofficial punch list without the property manager and realtors hanging over me. Pieces of blue painters tape will rain over the place like a waterfall. Hee.

I asked the foreman if it was ok if I did that. He said that he would be there Friday morning at 10am to meet with the listing agent and that he would be happy to let me in.

I am now officially excited about getting my own place. This is kinda taking the edge off of the pain of selling my nana's house. I've spent two days crying over that... the little pink house in Berry Hill won't be in our family anymore.

This is a big summer for me... probably my biggest yet. I am buying my first place and selling the two homes that I grew up in. Not very many people still have a connection to the homes they grew up in. Both Elena and DC pointed out that there will be a grieving and healing process as all of this finally comes to a close and I move on with my life.

Kat will remember how blasse' I was about buying the house that December day. I said "I bought a house" the same way most people say "I bought an apple."

So, when I get it all together, you will have to come by for the house warming. I won't take no for an answer. It will be a home full of PK-style. Not sure when that will be yet but I'll let you know.