Monday, January 17, 2005

Best Friends an Empress Could Have

This weekend, Elena, her sister Ashpanaz, Duke Diva, Bama Girl and Ash's roommate came over to the Empress's house. They helped the Empress clean out parts of her house so more stuff from the other buildings in the estate (so they can be sold or re-modeled.)

We threw out all sorts of crap. And I do mean crap. Boxes that hadn't been moved in years. Junk mail stuffed into drawers. I did find my mom's china (to add to the other 3 sets I've come across. I shall not want for a dish - ever.) And a still wrapped Return of the Jedi audio story book. Yes, you may be jealous.. goes great with my still in the box Darth Vader.

The Empress would like to state her profound thanks and appreciation. It would not have been done without them. Thank you.