Friday, February 10, 2006

Your "Chicken Little" Report

Get ready, Nashville! The sky’s gonna fall...

My mom said this in an e-mail just now: “I have had the TV on local stations this morning, and one might get the idea that snow was the great earthquake of the century. The stations are breaking in on programming, scrolls ongoing. Better make sure that I have igloo-making supplies!”

And bread, milk, and eggs. Yes, all good Nashvillians know that you must rush out pronto and purchase these items as soon as the dreaded four-letter S-word raises its ugly head in a weather broadcast. Because nothin’ says lovin’ like French toast when you’re holed up in the house against the 2-inch snow accumulation…

I wonder if the local reporters will report live from the snow showers. “Yes, Demetria, I just talked to a snowflake, and the snow is apologizing for being a couple of hours late. They promise to show up right on Bill-Hall time the next go-round.”