Thursday, April 07, 2005

Reality TV has jumped the shark!

Yes, I have declared it no longer worthy to watch (except for Survivor but even that is getting old.. and the Ultimate Fighter - it's last episode is next week and I don't know if it will make a return appearance).

Why? Why have I said that reality TV is dead?

1) Fabio's Mr. Romance. As if Fabio on TV isn't bad enough. Oh no.. we have a show that, my guess, is about finding the next great guy for the covers of romance novels. Created by Gene Simmons! Gene Simmons of Kiss! Ugh!

Oh my freakin' word. In less than 30 seconds, I nearly lost my dinner. And it was just the commercial! Something about a Romance Academy where they were wearing faux Hogwarts uniforms (it looked alot like the insignia of Gryffindor to me. JK Rowling should sue).. some without shirts (jacket and tie/slacks). Others have ripped the arms off the jacket/shirt.

I need a mint to get the nasty taste out of my mouth.. and a picture of Gerard Butler to get the image out of my head. Or Hugh Jackman. OK.. I feel better.

2) Style's Craft Corner Death Match. This is a show on a network that should know better.

It's a show about crafty people making crap out of other crap. Wait.. didn't TLC do this already on a big scale called Junkyard Wars? That was a cool show.. this.. this.. should be on a network I don't watch - HGTV. Not Style!

Reality TV is dead. Long live..... uh... Mark Burnett I guess.