Sunday, March 20, 2005

Are you sure that's waterproof mascara?

That could have been the subtitle to the documentary "The Eyes of Tammy Faye." It was entertaining, very campy to the point of being cheesey, and if you've been curious about Tammy's life just prior to her re-birth on The Surreal Life on VH1, it's worth a rental. It's definately a doc in her favor and she tries to paint herself as an innocent woman who was just there to sing and host a show. I don't know to what extent her involvement was in any of the illegal activities at PTL but I don't think she was an innocent bystandard.

I think this documentary can be a bit challenging at times for Christians because the most vicious of attacks came from the Christian community for many years. Deservedly so in some cases but PTL did what few Christian ministries did in the early 1980's which was to reach out to the gay community and treat them as human beings. Tammy's former co-host Jim J. Bullock said that he was pretty sure Tammy was against homosexuality but she never let that affect how she treated him.

In the film, Pat Boone stated that Christians are the only ones to attack their wounded.

I've heard it said time and time again "God doesn't make junk" and it is very easy for Chrisitans to get self-righteous about their position on gays, sex, drugs, alcohol, gambling, etc... and look down their noses at someone who is struggling. We offer more sympathy to those in the secular community struggling with an addition than someone within our own church family. For example: divorce. I can think of several instances where people I know were ostracized due to divorce when they had biblical reasons for doing so. At a time when people need love and support the most, they are tossed out like garbage and not worthy because 'you didn't love your husband enough.. you didn't submit enough..'.

Elena reminded me of this last night. We were on our way to meet Blake (with Miss O'Hara and her Dear Companion). Driving down 4th Ave., there were 3 homeless people sleeping on grates on the sidewalk. I said "Oh lovely." With a lot of disdain and scorn in my voice.

Elena said "Poor things." With alot of sympathy and care in her voice.

Talk about your humbling moments. Elena has been working for the last few years with a ministry that reaches the homeless. She sees them as people. I saw them as a public nusance. I don't think anyone was aware of it in the car, I felt very inadequate and put on the spot for my reaction to seeing them on the street. Things in my life could have turned out much differently. It could have been me sleeping there.

When my dad left, he could have refused to pay as much child support as he did (or none at all as sometimes happens.) But he did.

When my mom died, we could have been left without life insurance to pay off the house. But she did.

There but for the grace of God go I. And I needed to be reminded of it.