Thursday, March 03, 2005

Fashion Advice for the Leftist Set

  1. Smug looks and vacant stares are for the runway. If your picture is being taken by the press, you should do that head tilt thing like Paris Hilton.
  2. Ginny, honey... wide horizontal stripes work on NO one. Well.. unless you are trying to mark a parking lot, never use horizontal stripes.
  3. Ginny, dear... please see someone about your eyebrows. You could be hiding a terrorist in them.
  4. Proper support of "the girls" with good undergarments is always in style. Bra Burning is very 1960-something. But, I guess your politcs and personal style is probably still stuck in those "radical days." Your location, Berkeley, CA, seems to be suck in the 1960's.
I realize that this advice will likely fall on deaf ears as you both are likely to say "I want to be considered for my mind and not what I look like!" Well, I see what is coming out of your mind and it isn't very attractive either.

A purr to Six Meat Buffet and Digger for this lovely picture.