Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Best news all morning

Taking a play from the libertarian side of the political ball field, GOP Discusses National Sales Tax.

When I worked at the General Assembly, Sen. Henry stood up in opposition to the creation of a state income tax. He explained why he supported TN's higher than averal sales tax: "It is a tax on consumption - not productivity. It is voluntary for the most part." If people didn't want to pay it, aside from food and a few basic necessities, they don't have to pay out a large portion of their income in sales tax. If they want a TV: do you get the $100 model from Wal-Mart or the $2000 model from Circuit City? Most people are thinking of features and stuff - not sales tax. But if people were really that concerned, there are ways to lessen its impact.

And as my mom said "it socks it to the tourists who flock to Music City."