Thursday, September 02, 2004

Scratches to the Post

Kelly O’Conner kell writes:

or..."We know what is best for you Goddless savages and we are going to save your soul whether you want it or not!"

Is that your point?
Oohhhhh… um…. no.

The point of Prager’s statement was that quite often what is right is not what is popular. Why? Because it takes guts, gumption, and generally a moral center to say “I am going to do what’s right – no matter the cost.”

That comes out of the Judeo-Christian tradition and has been sadly lost of the rise of post-modernism and secularism. To whom much is given, much is expected.

Was it wrong for the British to stop women from throwing themselves on funeral pyres of their husbands (sometimes forced onto it) in India? Or do you not have any respect for human life?

Both China and India are finally taking a stand against the use of ultrasound technology – telling doctors to not reveal the sex of the child because of the higher rates of abortions of girls. Or is it wrong to try and change long held beliefs that boys are better for your family?

Or the lady who outed Enron. That seems to be a favorite liberal whipping post. Was that right?

Or the fact that Americans hold fund raising drives for disasters around the world. Will there be bake sales in Paris for the victims of the hurricanes in Florida – like there were for the victims of the earthquakes in Turkey?

But, I would suppose that to you, none of the good work is important because Abu Ghraib happened or that George Bush had the balls to say there is evil in the world. Never mind that more women are guaranteed seats in Iraqi government than serve in the US Congress.

Was it a good thing or not to remove from power a dictator that had pursued WMD's, had them in his possession (everyone else in the world thought so, too), ignored UN resolutions, sponsored terrorism in Israel if not elsewhere, and abused his own people? Yes or no.

Evil is here. It is all around us. Just because you refuse to name it or excuse it as a “cultural difference” doesn’t mean you’ve vaporized it into thin air. Like oh.. honor killings or female circumcision – we need to respect those differences between cultures. Let’s remove the ability for a woman to have any kind of pleasure from sex at all because women are more prone to sin than others.

Is Western Civilization perfect? No. But there is a respect for human life, the rule of law, and accountability of the government that you just don’t find in places like Saudi Arabia, Iran, Jordan, Sudan, Zimbabwe, Syria, Libya, etc…

History has shown that free countries with democratic goverments tend not to attack each other. Those with zealous despots like Hussein do. In fact, he did so off and on during his entire tenure in office - Iran and Kuwait. But, we should have stayed out and let Saudia Arabia save Kuwait.

But next time there is trouble, I’ll ask our government to stay out of it. We will go back to our pre-WWI days of isolationism. Wait… if we did that, wouldn’t that sink the global economy I keep hearing about? Aren’t we all connected now? Ohhh.. you just want our military to go home. That potential troop pull out in Germany is expected to cost thousands of local jobs. Impact on the economy?

When the General in South Korea threatened to pull out last year after North Korea threw a hissy fit and more South Korean protests, the South Korean government was a bit more balanced. The head of the Defense Ministry spoke of the impact to the economy of the region as well as the message it would send to other foreign powers. The US backed off its plan as well as from pressuring North Korea – per the request of South Korea. And then the liberal media complains that we aren't paying attention to the North Korean threat.

Which is it? You can't have it both ways. So we are damned if we do; damned if we don't. Do the right thing and at least be damned for trying to improve the lives of people.