Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Jumpin' the gun

or Jumpin' the shark - whatever you please. This is an email I received today:
Right now I need all of you to join me and make a pledge: the mistakes of the 2000 election will NEVER be repeated again. The day after the election, as the recount began, Al Gore's campaign was already outgunned, outmanned, and outmatched -- we learned one lesson: be prepared. With the race so close in so many states, we need to be prepared for any possibility -- and that means being ready for any recounts.
Why would there be a recount? Hmmmm... maybe because Democratic leaning organizations are registering thousands of people... who will show up and be told they cannot vote because their application was not filled out properly or they do not have ID? They will scream disenfranchisement when some poor election volunteer is just trying to follow the rules given to him/her by the Secretary of State. Bill Hobbs is doing an excellent job of keeping track of possible voter fraud.
The Federal Election Commission has just granted our request to raise funds now to cover recount expenses. Your contribution to Kerry-Edwards 2004 GELAC (General Election Legal and Accounting Compliance fund) will provide the resources to make sure we are prepared to win any post Election Day battles.
Since we can't raise money for the campaign anymore, we want to keep pestering you with fundraising letters so we have a new fund we created. And since we can't win on the first go-round, we are going to keep counting until it goes our way with different methodology each time (same statement can be applied to the Bush/Cheney recount fund.)
Make a contribution to our GELAC fund today.

Our GELAC fund also pays for the administrative costs at the campaign -- by paying for these expenses with GELAC funds, the campaign is able to spend more of its limited public funds on critical campaign expenses such as media, candidate travel, and direct contact with voters.
Where is Kerry spending that money? I heard they have stopped advertising in Virginia altogether (I could be mistaken - I can't find the source but I did read it yesterday). I've seen more Swiftboat ads in Nashville than I've seen either Bush or Kerry ads. I've seen 2 Swiftboat ads to the others none. Any other locals see a campaign ad? I may be watching the wrong channel. Not that I'm out looking for ads.. and I'm a notoroious channel surfer.