Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Live blogging

The debate will start shortly and so will the live blogging.. though I don't think I will refresh as much as usual. Hope you enjoy!

8:02 - Bob looks kind of thin in the face. I guess the stress at CBS News is too much. W bolted out - he wanted to be the first across the center line this time. Kerry has beat him the previous two times.

8:04 - They aare wearing very similar ties. The stylists did not communicate again. Kerry is beating the drum of cargo hold insecurity again. After 3 times, I'm tired of this same ol same ol. The President's mic is not balanced correctly. Lots of echos and humming.

8:08 - Bush is over animating to make up for what happened in the first debate where he looked tired and bored.

8:12 - Pandering to the audience, again Kerry.. by bringing up local #'s. "A plan is not a litney of complaints." - W. Is it me? Or is this debate boring... dull.. You know. I don't know if I will live blog or not because there has to be something better on TV.

8:17 - Bush is going after Kerry's record.

8:49 - Kerry says that Greenspan is a a financial guru or something. Is that Vox I heard screaming?

8:54 - Did Bush just flip flop? I thought W supported amnesty for illegals too. Am I wrong?

9:12 - Kerry talks about the assault weapons ban and says police are less safe now that the ban has sunset. He also said that he would have gotten out there and campaigned for it. Gee... he wasn’t exactly in Washington very much to campaign for anything.

9:13 - In one minute, he as invoked High Poobah Clinton twice. Kerry has said that W hasn’t met with the NAACP.. That could be because the NAACP is hostile to W.