Monday, October 04, 2004

Pot calling Kettle!

" erred ... on Friday, posting an item purporting to contain quotes attributable to Kerry," the statement read.

"The item was based on a reporters partial script that had been written in jest and should not have been posted or broadcast. also regrets that error, which occurred because of fatigue and bad judgment, not malice."

US media quoted a statement by the Kerry campaign's spokesman, Phil Singer, saying Fox was right to own up to the gaffe.

"Fox is doing the right thing by admitting its mistake and correcting the record," Singer told the New York Times in an article published Sunday.
But CBS can wait almost 2 weeks to own up to using forged documents on GWB? Riiiiiiiiiight.

Yahoo! News - Fox News Channel admits reporter posted fake story about Kerry

Dan Rather: White House Out to 'Smear' Me
CBS's scandal-plagued anchorman goes on the offensive after he used fake "documents" in a bid to discredit President Bush.
But CBS can smear GWB all he wants because he is a journalist... no, he ceased being a journalist a long time ago. He's just a TV personality.